A new piece I have been working on recently - a realistic Rhydon. 
This was a relatively quick one to do so it definitely requires some more refinement, but for now, I'll leave it as is. I've included some progress images of him below so you can see my process in creating him in Procreate. 
I may also add a time lapse of this piece soon...
14-15 December 2016
Above: The first stage of creature design is typically a rough sketch.
Below: After the initial sketch, I go over it with some neater line work.
Above: Here is a mid-way progress shot, in which the main base colouring has been done and the I've begun to add some simple shadow and tone as well as adding some hair to areas.
Below: The final piece - after a number of rounds of adding tone, texture and further refinement, the design comes to life :)
Below: A size comparison of an average Rhydon with a 6ft human...
Thank you for looking :)
Pokémon © Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 
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