Here we have my realistic Grovyle, based on my original Sceptile concept.
June 2015 - March 2017

Below: A size comparison of an average Grovyle and a 6ft human...

Thanks for looking !:)
Pokémon © Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company
I have loved Pokémon ever since I was little and always imagined what they would be like if they were real. I was first inspired to try my hand at realistic Pokémon after seeing the awesome artworks of both R J Palmer and Jamie Flack. I started my realistic Pokémon series in 2014 when I got my Wacom Bamboo drawing tablet. Finally, with a drawing tablet at hand, I was able to delve into digital painting, a discipline I had yearned to get into for years. I could now attempt to bring Pokémon to life as I have imagined them.